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No more mealtime anxiety or “What's for dinner?” debates.

Just effortless meals delivered fresh to your door.

Tovala Smart Oven Promo 2024

Flexible plans for everybody

Easily adjust your order size or skip weeks anytime (because life happens).

Most meals are single-serving and cost about $12.99 each—with some as low as $9.99/serving.

8 Meal Plan




Estimated total


Paying more at the store?

Order Tovala for the week, skip the trip, and save on your weekly grocery bill.

Crafted with you in mind

We listen to our customers so that whatever your mood, taste, lifestyle, or budget, you've got the perfect meals.

Classic Entrées

Classic Entrées


Dual-Serving Meals (Best Value)

Dual-Serving Meals (Best Value)


Premium Plates

Premium Plates


Effortless Breakfasts

Effortless Breakfasts


Desserts, Sides & Extras

Desserts, Sides & Extras


Let's compare

Meal kit companies
Prep TimeOne minute20+ minutes
Flavor & TextureTender veggies, juicy proteins, and melty cheesesAlready cooked and reheated in a microwave, affecting the taste and texture
Price per Meal$9.99Up to $15.00
New Gourmet Selections Every Week
Scans 1,000+ Name-brand Groceries